About the On-Street Support Handbook
Welcome to the Birmingham On Street Support Handbook, a guide to help community groups working with people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness.
This guide has been put together by the Birmingham On Street Support Working Group, which comprises of BVSC, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Homelessness Taskforce, The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS), Colmore Business District, and Let’s Feed Brum.
Our ambition for the handbook is to:
- Profile the great work being done to tackle homelessness and food poverty in Birmingham
- Provide a guide to the pathways in place so organisations can better signpost and support individuals
- Outline guidance on areas such as safeguarding and mental health support
- Share advice on key areas affecting on street support groups, including food hygiene and befriending
- Outline the various on street support groups and their work, to avoid duplicity, waste, and demand-gaps, and make better use of resources