About No Wrong Door
The NWD Continuation Strategy builds upon the great work of the Birmingham Changing Futures No Wrong Door Approach. It aims to increase knowledge around working with clients who face Multiple Disadvantage and embed NWD principles within support services.

The Approach
The No Wrong Door Approach is an approach to working with individuals with multiple disadvantage. The approach is triggered at the moment an individual with multiple disadvantage presents at; or is identified by a partner organisation. By adopting a No Wrong Door approach partner organisations offer coordinated multi-agency support which prevents or helps an individual move away from crisis.
The No Wrong Door approach aims to:
- Break down silo working between people and between organisations.
- Change and improve the way in which agencies communicate with Individuals and with each other.
- Establish an open network of quality assured members who are committed to continuous improvement.
No Wrong Door Resources
Here you can find useful resources to help agencies, staff and clients to get the most from the No Wrong Door approach.
The NWD Spotlight Sessions help connect staff from across the city with the information they need.
With so many organisations delivering support across Birmingham, it can be difficult to find the vital information you actually need for your clients with Multiple Disadvantage.
Featured NWD Spotlight Sessions
Get to know our members by joining a NWD Spotlight Session. These short virtual Q&A sessions allow frontline staff to ask questions of each of our members to better understand the support they offer and how the work.
If you would like to attend the next Spotlight Session, please email nowrongdoor@bvsc.org
You can view the latest Spotlight Session below.
Monday 7th December
The No Wrong Door Navigator service, interviewed by NACRO
Monday 25th January
NACRO, interviewed by WAITS
Tuesday 2nd February
Cranstoun, interviewed by NACRO
Navigating Systems Workshop: a better approach to working with multiple services
Contracts are issued, initiatives get started, sometimes it takes some time for us to get on board, but eventually we integrate it into our practice, and make changes to the way we work…. and then just as quickly….they end. And with the end of the contract all that learning, all those new processes and procedures, all of those new approaches end too.
This workshop will tell you a story of how things can be different; how we can work together to ensure that working practices that better the system for our staff, our colleagues and our clients, can be sustained within our organisations. Focused on 3 tangible work strands we discuss how sustainability doesn’t need to be solely reliant on funding, we outline the practical ways in which learning can be embedded into organisations, and how working in innovative new ways and taking new approaches to age old problems can revolutionise the way we work with people with MCNs in Birmingham and beyond.