Developed in partnership with BVSC, you can find the Commitment to Collaborate (C2C) to Prevent and Relieve Homelessness Toolkit on the West Midlands Combined Authority website. See below for more information and click the link below to access the page and the toolkit itself.

The Commitment to Collaborate (C2C) to Prevent and Relieve Homelessness Toolkit has been developed by the WMCA Homelessness Taskforce in partnership with Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC) to support organisations and partnerships across the region to think about what actions they can take to prevent and relieve homelessness.

The toolkit provides an overview of homelessness in its widest sense and has been designed to help organisations and partnerships work through possible changes that they can make to prevent homelessness at the earliest opportunity, including when the presenting issue is not identified as having an obvious link to homelessness.

The toolkit gives you a step by step approach to identifying what the issues and gaps are for the people you work with and how you can help to tackle those issues and gaps.

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